Glaider provides powerful tools to automatically detect and anonymize PII and other sensitive information in your data before it’s processed by AI models.

Key Features

Automatic Detection

Identify various types of PII including names, addresses, email addresses, and more.

Flexible Anonymization

Choose from multiple anonymization techniques such as redaction, tokenization, or pseudonymization.

Usage Example

Here’s how you can use Glaider to anonymize PII in a text:

import glaider

# Initialize Glaider with an API key and anonymization enabled

# Text containing PII
text = "sono Mario e abito a Milano, la mia mail e'"

# Anonymize PII in the text
anonymized_text = glaider.data_processor.anonymize_pii(text).json()

Supported PII Types

Glaider can detect and anonymize various types of PII, including but not limited to:

  • Names
  • Locations
  • Addresses
  • Email addresses
  • Credit card numbers
  • IP addresses